Term 2の Managing Organizational Behavior の授業は、自分の姿勢と先生のハンドリングに問題があるのか、何を聞いてもついついだからなんだと思ってしがいがち。
Cognitive Biasesに気づくこと。何か決断するとき、自分だけは大丈夫って思いがち。
Who's going to heaven?
O.J. Simpson -19%
Bill Clinton - 52%
Michael Jordan - 65%
Mother Theresa -79%
Yourself -87%
A several years ago the U.S. News and World Report took a poll on people’s beliefs about who would go to heaven, and provided the results to their poll in their publication (March 31, 1997, p. 18). This type of poll provides an entertaining way to test the self-serving bias. In their poll, 1000 Americans were asked whether or not they believed that specific celebrities were likely to go to heaven. Michael Jordan received a 65% positive rating, Bill Clinton 52%, Dennis Rodman only 28%, and O.J. Simpson just 19%. Mother Teresa’s votes were the second highest of the celebrities, at 79%. So who received the highest percentage? More than 87% of the Americans who were surveyed believed themselves to be the most likely of all to go to heaven!
まあ、これは聞く順番によっても答えが変わってくると思うので、なんとも言えないけど、これもCognitive Biasesに対する注意喚起になるね。
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